Giving all praise and honor to the Almighty, for His grace towards us, the strength He provides, and gratitude for all He has done for us.
In such challenging times, we must be thankful that the
basic elements which make this country – peace, unity
and togetherness – hold us to this day. We have risen to
the economic challenges by putting us on the road to a
technological cultural revolution to build an economy with
dignity, the foundation for people’s resilience.
Like a tiger leaving behind its stripes, what is left of a man
upon his death is his legacy, we are called to do our absolute
best in Selangor to ensure transformative development is
founded on sustainability, as we are merely custodians of this
state for the generations coming after us. This is our shared responsibility. PREC’s developmental
agenda should continue on the path to excellence to encompass infrastructural, social, and economic development.